Training and Assessment Services

Training Services

Mechanical Vocational Training

Introduction to Prime MoversMVT025JTN5 daysOn-demand
Introduction to Transmission Systems & ComponentsMVT026JTN5 daysOn-demand
Introduction to Distribution SystemsMVT027JTN5 daysOn-demand
Introduction to Mechanical Maintenance Techniques: Diesel EngineMVT001JTN5 daysOn-demand
Introduction to Mechanical Maintenance Techniques: Power GenerationMVT028JTN4 daysOn-demand
Introduction to Gas TurbinesMVT029JTN4 daysOn-demand
Mechanical Maintenance Techniques: Bearings & SealsMVT003JTN4 daysOn-demand
Mechanical Maintenance Techniques: Gear BoxesMVT030JTN4 daysOn-demand
Mechanical Maintenance Techniques: Transmission ComponentsMVT012JTN4 daysOn-demand
Mechanical Maintenance Techniques: HVACMVT031JTN4 daysOn-demand
Mechanical Maintenance Techniques: Centrifugal & Reciprocating PumpsMVT004JTN4 daysOn-demand
Mechanical Maintenance Techniques: Piping & Pipe ConnectionsMVT014JTN4 daysOn-demand
Heat ExchangersMVT002JTN4 daysOn-demand
CompressorsMVT005JTN5 daysOn-demand
Internal Combustion EnginesMVT006JTN5 daysOn-demand
Lubrication and FiltrationMVT007JTN2 daysOn-demand
Valves & ActuatorsMVT008JTN3 daysOn-demand
Seals Gaskets and Packing’sMVT009JTN3 daysOn-demand
Gas TurbinesMVT011JTN5 daysOn-demand
Rotating Equipment AlignmentMVT013JTN4 daysOn-demand
Basic Engineering DrawingsMVT015JTN2 daysOn-demand
Measuring Tools & Precision InstrumentsMVT016JTN3 daysOn-demand
Workshop Practice & Power ToolsMVT017JTN5 daysOn-demand
Machine Shop PracticeMVT018JTN5 daysOn-demand
P & ID’sMVT019JTN2 daysOn-demand
Hydraulic & Pneumatic FundamentalsMVT020JTN3 daysOn-demand
FurnacesMVT021JTN2 daysOn-demand
Air CoolersMVT022JTN2 daysOn-demand
Water Tube BoilersMVT023JTN2 daysOn-demand
Occupational Health & SafetyMVT024JTN2 daysOn-demand

If this section of the website does not provide the information you require, please get in touch with us here.

It is important to be as specific as possible about the information you would like, as this will help us to respond accurately and promptly. Where possible, please include a contact telephone number/ Skype screenname so we can contact you to discuss your request when necessary.