Training and Assessment Services

Training Services

Instrumentation Vocational Training

Introduction to Process Measurement Systems & EquipmentIVT002JTN5 daysOn-demand
Introduction to Process Control Systems & EquipmentIVT003JTN5 daysOn-demand
Introduction to Protection & Detection SystemsIVT004JTN5 daysOn-demand
Instrument & Control Techniques: Process Equipment (Measuring Pressure, Temperature, Level & Flow)IVT005JTN5 daysOn-demand
Instrument & Control Techniques: Process Control ValvesIVT006JTN5 daysOn-demand
Instrument & Control Techniques: Small Bore TubingIVT007JTN5 daysOn-demand
Instrument & Control Techniques: Metering Devices & Fiscal MeteringIVT008JTN5 daysOn-demand
Instrument & Control Techniques: Programmable Logic ControllerIVT009JTN5 daysOn-demand
Instrument & Control Techniques: Distributed Control SystemsIVT010JTN5 daysOn-demand
Instrument & Control Techniques: Condition Monitoring SystemsIVT011JTN5 daysOn-demand
Instrument & Control Techniques: Emergency Shutdown SystemsIVT012JTN5 daysOn-demand
Instrument & Control Techniques: Fire & Gas Detection SystemsIVT013JTN5 daysOn-demand
Instrument & Control Techniques: Protection Methods & Instrument Equipment in Hazardous AreasIVT014JTN5 daysOn-demand
Instrument & Control Techniques: Subsea Control SystemsIVT015JTN4 daysOn-demand
Hazardous Area and Intrinsic SafetyIVT016JTN4 daysOn-demand

If this section of the website does not provide the information you require, please get in touch with us here.

It is important to be as specific as possible about the information you would like, as this will help us to respond accurately and promptly. Where possible, please include a contact telephone number/ Skype screenname so we can contact you to discuss your request when necessary.